Hedgerows Teens

You are unique.

Your education should be, too.

The Hedgerows offers a new way to experience your middle and high school years.  Our learning environment is focused around projects, passions, peers, and play.  When you first join our program, you start by observing and trying new things.  You then work with advisors to design a customized program that grows with you as you explore who you are, who you want to be in the world, and how to set yourself up for success in early adulthood.

Our Program

Each of our learners creates a unique path within four core domains:

  • Advisory

  • Projects

  • Classes & Skills

  • Jobs & Internships


Advisory is at the heart of Hedgerows Teens. Our learners start each day in Advisory, where they get to know each other and themselves through structured activities, community service, and fun and games. Once per week, advisors conduct in-depth check-ins with each learner to ensure their needs are met, make a plan for the week, document learning, and celebrate successes. Advisors also communicate with parents weekly or more frequently, if needed.


We believe in learning by doing, and, even better, learning by doing a project you designed yourself. Whether it's competing on an Odyssey of the Mind team, preparing for a 4-H Exhibition, conducting a scientific investigation, or making videos for YouTube, we encourage Hedgerows Teens to apply their skills and creativity to the things they care about. We typically have dedicated project time for two hours every day.

Classes & Skills

The Hedgerows offers a variety of classes, tutorials, and independent studies. We also encourage learners to find their own classes online, at their local high school, at Great Bay Community College, or anywhere else in the Seacoast community. Whether it's learning algebra, perfecting your jump shot, writing a resume, or learning techniques to manage your emotions, we believe all skills have equal value, and we work with teens and their families to figure out the next step for each learner.


Jobs & Internships

We believe in learning by doing, and what better way to prepare for the world of adult work than by trying it out? Whether it's bagging groceries or interning with a climatologist, we help our learners find, get, and keep jobs and internships of interest to them.